Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 18
TMA Children’s and Family Network Directory

The Children’s and Family Workshop that was held in Columbus this past July only reinforced for me the importance of providing parents of children with TM the opportunity for networking.  Parents and the children need the opportunity to share information and to provide each other with support.  For the past few years, I have been attempting to organize and publish a TMA Children’s and Family Network Directory to make this networking possible.  In spite of my best efforts, I have not been able to find the time to make it happen.  

Well, I am so pleased to announce that it is finally going to happen.  Mary Troup has volunteered to organize the Children’s and Family Network Directory. The TMA will publish and mail the directory as soon as Mary completes her work.  In order to protect the children in the TM community, we will not mail a directory to anyone who does not have their own child listed in the directory. Your child should be eighteen years old or younger to be included in the directory.

In order to have your child and your family listed in the directory, please send your information to Mary Troup either by email or through the postal service:

Mary Troup
1734 McAdams
Memphis, TN 38108
work7days[AT SIGN]

Please send the following information to Mary for inclusion in the directory:

Parent’s Names
Street Address
City, State/Province
Country, Zip or Postal Code
Home and Work Phone and Fax
Parent’s Email Address
Child’s Name
Child’s Email Address
Child’s Date of Birth
Child’s Age at Onset of TM
Year of Onset of TM
Spinal Cord Level of Effect

Please also remember to send any changes in your information to Mary Troup as we will try to update the directory annually as we do with the general TMA Directory.    

We are very appreciative for Mary’s willingness to take on this important project.  Please send her this information as quickly as possible so that we can finally have the directory published and mailed to the families in our TM community.
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