Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 25
 In Their Own Words

In each issue of the newsletter, we will bring you a column that presents the experiences of our members.  Their stories are presented In Their Own Words by way of letters they have sent us.  We are most appreciative of their willingness to share their very personal stories.  It is our hope that through the sharing of these experiences, we will all learn something about each other and about ourselves.  It is our hope that the stories will help us all realize that we are not alone.  You may submit your stories by sending them either by e-mail or through the postal service to Sandy Siegel.
Michael F. Hartman
Pittsburgh PA

My name is Michael Hartman and I am a T3 para. I contracted TM in the summer of 1999 and have been in a wheelchair ever since.  I am 24 years old.  I spent a year of my life in the hospital and rehab. I started in the summer of 1999 and was in ICU for three months where I was in a coma. When I woke up, I was a T3 para, but that was the least of my problems. During my hospital stay, I developed three pancreatic sudo cysts which have a 50% mortality rate. Along with that, I also had three severe skin issues on my calves and behind, which required plastic surgery. I had to spend two months in a sand bed. You cannot sit up until the surgery heals.

After the skin surgery, I underwent surgery to remove the sudo cyst. That was successful and the skin surgery was a success, as well. When the surgeries were completed, I went to rehab to learn how to live with my disability. That took about five months, because I was in such bad shape. When I went to rehab, there was little I could do until I regained my strength.

When I regained my strength, I was able to get moving and came home in June of 2000. I am still a T3 para. I am wheelchair bound, but I am getting around much better. If anyone is interested in talking to me, please feel free to contact me at my email or phone.

Michael F. Hartman
597 Old Clairton Road
Pittsburgh PA 15236
mcholhrtmn[AT SIGN]

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