Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 28
  In Their Own Words

In each issue of the newsletter, we will bring you a column that presents the experiences of our members.  Their stories are presented In Their Own Words by way of letters they have sent us.  We are most appreciative of their willingness to share their very personal stories.  It is our hope that through the sharing of these experiences, we will all learn something about each other and about ourselves.  It is our hope that the stories will help us all realize that we are not alone.  You may submit your stories by sending them either by e-mail or through the postal service to Sandy Siegel.
Violet B. Laws
Winchester Virginia
jenny[AT SIGN]

Hello, my name is Violet. On April 28th 2002, I complained to my husband that I had a pain in my side. The pain extended across my lower chest. Because of the time of day, he decided to take me to the ER. After testing, I was diagnosed with Iron Deficiency Anemia. I was admitted to the Hospital. The next day I was treated with antibiotics, iron supplements and blood transfusions. I was discharged and went home on April 30, 2002.

The very next day 01 May 2002, I started to stump my left foot as I would walk. My husband thought it could just be a reaction from being discharged from the hospital. I had a follow-up appointment scheduled for the 7th of May.  My husband called the doctor’s office two times to report the problems. When he called the second time, he told them that I was now not able to even walk. I was told only to keep the appointment for the 7th of May.

The appointment date finally arrived. By this time my husband had to take me to the doctor’s office in a wheel chair. The doctor examined me and said he could not diagnose the problem. I am a post stroke patient so he made an appointment for me to see my neurologist. My husband talked to the neurologist who stated that my illness had nothing to do with my previous stroke three years prior. My husband took me to the ER again on the afternoon of the 7th of May.

Tests were run again and I was admitted back to the hospital. This time I was diagnosed with TM. I was treated with different drugs after MRIs, x-rays and other treatments. After being hospitalized for seven days, I was transferred to a rehabilitation center where I spent another seven days. I came home on the 21st  of May 2002.

I am trying to recoup the best I can with the help of God, doctors and my husband, who is very understanding. I can now walk with the assistance of a walker and sometimes a cane. I discovered TMA on the internet. I have read all of the amazing stories and was very moved. I have learned a lot about
Transverse Myelitis that I never would have dreamed without TMA.

Pleased to meet you and may God Bless you all.

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