Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 33
Ireland TM Support Group  
Ann Moran

Hello TMA, Ireland here!

I am so delighted to report what a wonderful mini-symposium we had here in Ireland, July 5th 2002.

What was only a wish in 2000 turned into an excellent day for all of the people in Ireland and the UK with TM.  I had been contacted by several people here with TM after doing a radio interview on a national radio program. 

I had been trying to get funding from different sources for a TM meeting, but to no avail.  Then I was at a Christmas dinner for the regional (West of Ireland) MS Society last December and spoke with the regional manager about whether we could organize some kind of information day for TM through the MS Society.  Thankfully, he was very interested.  This is how a Neurological Information/Awareness Day in Galway came about.  There was a speech about motor neurons given by a neurologist from Dublin, as well as a speech about MS by a neurologist from Co. Cork.  Dr. Kerr from the Johns Hopkins Transverse Myelitis Center came all the way from Baltimore and spoke about TM.  Dr. Kerr spoke in terms, which were about the patient, making very complicated subjects easy to understand.

I was delighted with the turn out of TM clients who traveled from near and far corners of Ireland and England. There were also medical professionals, occupational and physio therapists who attended from several places in Ireland. There were some alternative therapists who expressed great satisfaction with Dr. Kerr’s speech. They indicated that he was a neurologist and scientist who understood the benefits of therapy, diet, and exercise.  

Our meeting brought back memories of the First International Symposium, which I attended in Seattle.  It was a very emotional experience.   There were many people with TM meeting other TM’ers for the first time.  It was just great watching them all.  After the meeting was over, many people stayed to talk to each other and many were comparing their experiences.  It is a great benefit just to be able to talk to someone else who knows exactly what you are going through.  In the association, we all know about that.  It’s so good to share knowledge and ideas.

There was a mother and her baby who came from England specifically to see Dr. Kerr.  She was delighted to have him on our side of the world.  She had traveled to see him at Johns Hopkins earlier in the year.  They had a very good discussion about progress since their visit to Baltimore.

There were also other clients from England who attended.  Geoff Treglown, the support group leader from England, also came to the meeting.  Geoff prints and mails all of the TMA newsletters and directories to our members from all over Europe.  He expressed an interest in having Dr. Kerr to visit England for a support group meeting.  So, we will be working on that idea with Dr. Kerr!

Dr. Kerr was his usual wonderful self.  He is so easy to listen to, and makes everything interesting.  The TM clients were thrilled with him.  He is such a great person. The TMA is very lucky to have him.  He is very dedicated to our cause.  He stayed about two hours after the meeting and met people individually, sharing his knowledge.

We also enjoyed having Chitra attend the meeting.  She is Dr. Kerr’s assistant, and is also very knowledgeable about TM.  She spoke with the TM clients also.

It was also so nice to meet Dr. Kerr’s wife, Kathleen, and little Caroline, who is the apple of daddy’s eye. He even ended his notes on screen with Caroline’s picture!  A lovely personal touch.  All of our guests enjoyed a short break in my hometown, Westport, before returning to Baltimore.

One of the very positive results of the meeting was a decision to form a membership address list of people with TM in Ireland.  This will make it easier for us to keep in touch with each other.  I have contacted the National Rehabilitation Centre asking them to be sure and inform newly diagnosed patients of our Ireland TM Support Group. 

I really am so delighted that I was able to organise the day.  As I said to Sandy the day following our meeting, “I was like a dog with two tails.”  I was so happy with the way everything turned out.  Photos of the Ireland meeting are posted in the web version of the newsletter. 

Take Care All.
Love to everybody in the TMA.

Ann in Ireland -  still cold and very little sunshine this year!
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