Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 36
UK Support Group
Geoff Treglown

Since the last newsletter I have moved house. My new address and phone number are at the end of this article. My apologies if this has made it difficult for you to contact me. My e-mail address has not changed.

I am aware that some of you have experienced problems using a credit card to make donations to the TMA. has for a couple of months been accepting USA addresses only. You can now make credit card donations from the UK using There is an article about CharityWave and online donations in this newsletter. Please try it out!

I am often asked by TMA members from the UK about the availability of “alternative treatments.” With any condition which claims to have no cure, a search for alternatives is always attractive. Two therapies which can assist mobility can be found in the Yellow Pages. Horse riding for the disabled (look up Riding Schools) will be suitable for many, even those in a wheelchair. It can be very helpful with balance problems and if properly organised it can provide an enjoyable social outing. The use of hydrotherapy pools can also provide a social outing as well as good mobility therapy. Pools are advertised in the Yellow Pages under Swimming Pools and under Health Clubs. You need one that has a physiotherapist in attendance rather than the type with a beautician!

I have been experimenting by attending a Chinese Health Doctor but sadly after eight weeks and a total of five different concoctions, we agreed that he was not able to do anything for me. Meanwhile another TMA member (from the Northampton Group) has also been experimenting with Chinese medicine but he tells me, “After much testing and alternate medicines, I’m sad to say there was no change.” However, he reports that, “I have been having Reflexology treatment for the past few months and my walking ability improved about the time I started it.” I have heard other positive comments about reflexology from the Telford Group.

One of their members has also heard of a recipe for arthritic relief. The logic of the recipe comes from Biblical times when juniper berries were thought to have healing properties. The recipe requires large golden (light) California raisins to be soaked in gin (cheapest) in a shallow dish until the gin has evaporated. Gin is made from juniper berries and natural grains. The process takes about a week after which you are supposed to eat the raisins at the rate of nine a day. Improvements are apparently noticeable in about a month. (NB alcohol may not be appropriate in combination with other medicines).

I have also come across A Good Health Guide: Stopping Restless Leg Syndrome. RLS is similar to the twitching limbs that many TM sufferers experience. The condition is also known by Ekbom’s Syndrome and PLMS (periodic limb movement during sleep). Anyone suffering from these conditions might find the 90 page simple booklet helpful. It can be obtained from The Bristol Group, 36 Stephenson Road, Totton, Southampton SO40 3YD; price £11.90 including p&p, payable to Bristol Health.

Have you tried any alternative treatments? Has anyone had any experience of acupuncture? Please let me know so I can report in the next Newsletter.
Contact details:
Geoff Treglown
8 Gale Park, Ambleside
LA22 0BN
015394 34677
geoff.treglown[AT SIGN]

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