Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 52
The Transverse Myelitis Association 2001 Donors

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the persons and the organizations that support the work of The Transverse Myelitis Association. It is through their generosity that we are able to offer the services to our membership; they also make possible the expansion of services to our existing and future members.  The following persons and organizations made donations to The Transverse Myelitis Association in 2001. The donations made by members of the Board of Directors include non-reimbursed expenses.

Action Concrete
Dana Alexander
Ralph and Joan Allen
Fred and Cleora Armbruster
Elizabeth Arroyo
Lara and James Bailey
Doris Ballou
Michael Ball
Jenny Bannist
Frederick and Joyce Beiner
Alice Birkenmeier
Sandra Blake
Marvin and Helene Blaustein
Richard and Bonnie Brickhouse
Donna and Richard Brown
Conrad and Margaret Brown
Martin and Bonnie Brozosky
T.J. Buccitelli
Dale and Mary Callaghan
Douglas and Judy Carlson
Barbara and Jude Carluccio
Gladys Coffey Memorial:
  Thelma Rollins
Brian and M. Cissel Collins
Linda Combs
Alan and Kelly Conner
James and Sylvia Darby
Owen and Ann Davis
Robert and Myrna Dekoff
Charles and Sandra Deming
John Desmarteau, M.D.
Dorothy Destephano
Debra Dougherty
Marie Drach
David and Colleen Du Rette
Joseph and Patricia Dudek
Bobbie and Iola Durdin
Tamani Eaton
Edward and Marion Enners
Marlene Evans
Mary Ann Ewart
Frank and Rose Fialkowski
Russell and Sherry Fink
Andrew and Patricia Galanski
Gard & Associates
Frances Garrigan
Gerald's of Northville, Inc.
Darlene Getz
Vivian and John Giuntini
Dennis and Elesia Glasser
Deana Green
Jacob and Bonnie Griswold
Linda and Roger Gruss
John and Eunice Halverson
Michael and Jill Hammond
Natalie Hanson
Gordon and Susan Harkins
Maernoy and Frankie Harrison
Michael and Noreen Hartman
Michael and Jo-Ann Hedderich
Helen Fullard SCDL
Barry and Lynne Hellman
Robert Hijar and Or Mara Seaton
Patricia Holt
Judith Humphrey
Edward and Lucille Jaworski
Barbara Jenkins
Theodore Jennings
Carl and Dorothea Kaschube
Marcia Keener
Ronald and Donna Kucera
Edward and Ruth Lachmayer
Terry Landry
Rev. John and Patricia Lekander
Barbara Synhorst Libby
Jacqueline Boone Long
James Lubin
Charles and Tracey Lyle
Joyce Mackiewicz
Joanne Massello
William and Geraldine McCarty
Cynthia McKee
Lorie McMullen
Camille Mitchell
John and Sharon Moore
Kerry Morgan
Jean Myers
K & K Neuendorf
Ray and Ruby Norman
Vicki and Stephen Nye
Wanda Osborne
Neal Palmisano
Jason Passino
Edwin Pena
Debrah Phillips
Roland and Doris Phinney
Giselle M. Pierre-Nicholls
Raymond and Phyllis Pirtle
Janis Pittman
Capt. J.P. Prestwich
E.R. Raulerson
Ronald Reedy
Patricia and Donald Rennie
Regina Richards
James and Debra Rockovich
Joseph and Lorraine Romagnano
Michael Rowland
Marrion Rutkowsky
Albert Salerno
Linda Scalzo-Dierdorff
Norman and Margaret Scheiwe
Joseph Schreiber
George and Jane Scurfield
K. Lee Sharp
Truman and Carlene Shultz
Harold and Ann Sorley
Robert and Karen Spielman
Chris and LaRae Starr
Dave and Joan Taylor
The Guided Tour
Georgia Thrower
Vera Thyes
Eileen Tiam-Fook
Jacques Mann Ttee
Jane Young Ttee
Jerry and Diane Vecchione
Darian and Amy Vietzke
Nancy Vroom
Mark and Joan Wabschall
Amy and Lee Warner
Marjorie and Charney Weber
John and Carol Weiss
Patricia and David Wheeler
Jaqueline Whitfield
Judith Wilkinson
Carol Williams
Clara Williams
Donald and Marilyn Wingfield
Donald and Sheila Young
Donald Young
Jane Young
Richard Zemba


Fred Amsel
Jean Anthony
Art of Murf, Inc.
Mr. Everette Barzie
Benjamin Broome
Katherine Bryan
Nancy Campbell
Arthur Caplin
Frank Carone
Charles and Violet Chandler
David and Roberta Charak
Richard and Margaret Chassee
Daniel and Barbara Cole
Paul and Sandra Consalvo
Melinda Craine
Gerard and Ruth Dreyer
Michael and Nedra Eagle
William Ehrke
John and Mildred Eidsness
Gladys Figueroa Escobar
Bonnie Evans
Asma Fadra
John and Sheila Fitzell
H. Arnold and Adrien Gefsky
Lou Alice and Thomas Gillespie
Catherine Gloeckler
William and Penelope Gray
Deana Green
Dianne Gregorich
Teresa Harnischfeger
Gerald Haynes
Jacob Thomas Hoover Memorial:
  Richard and Louise Keeler
  Henry and Dorothy Zimmer
William and Kathleen Hutcherson
Susan Hutchinson
Jimmy Garner Construction
James and Therese Kendrick
Eva Koeniger
VA Lambell
Dr. Alexander Lerch
Patricia Loesch
Jennifer Mestayer
June Meyer
Paul and Evelyn Miller
Charles and Margaret Miller
Jim and Cindy Miller
Marie Miller
Dorothy Monahan
Paul and Susan Moskowitz
Ross Newby Memorial:
  Frank and Janet Hargrove
Robert and Irene O'Brian
George Perdue
Bernie and Penny Pfiester
'Lyn Pignon
Robert and Denise Pluhatsch
Ross and Linda Plunkett
Phyllis Pollock
Powells Grocery
Capt. J.P. and Viginia Prestwich
Ting Pun
Meryl Reyman
Irving and Regina Richards
Lauro and Barbara Rozul
Stephen and Linda Rubarski
Kenneth and Emily Safko
Jerome Sandau
Harold and Marilyn Schlegel
Mike and Linda Sirotka
VJ & DJ Smeltzer
Margaret Smith
Thomas and Jean Snyder
James and Deborah Stephens
Esther Stone
Harold Sullivan Memorial:
  David and Suzanne Dudley
Dave and Joan Taylor
Michael Teaters Memorial:
  Robert and Carol Frederick
The Chase Manhattan Foundation
Kirk Traenkner
US Bancorp
David Walls
Calvin and Margherita Wang
Marlene Word


Aetna Foundation
Bruce and Janet Andrews
James and Lisa Andrews
Ester Bailey
Jean Blackwell
Alexander and Ann Bottino
Freeda Burford
Joyce and William Cashman
Ross and Leslie Chapin
Congregation Beth Tikvah Rabbi Fund
Charles and Sandra Deming
Charles Fisher
Mary Hogan
Patricia Janes
Richard Jett
James and Beatrice Jonas
Dorothea and Carl Kaschube
Franklin and Cheryl Kurtz
Jackie Landry
Christopher Lodge
Cyril Mansperger, D.D.S.
Cynthia McLeroy
Mile High United Way
Peggy Miller
Lee Ann Miller-Elliott Memorial:
  William and Esther Kendig
  Ralph and Ann Ludwick
Richard and Luise Renner
Ray and Charlene Schapker
Bill and Vickie Sherman
Sylvester and Virginia Spinetta
William Stewart Memorial:
  John Burns
  Terry and Jane Thomas
United Way of Northeast LA
Richard and Nancy Wagoner
Richard Wright
Carl and Janice Yoder


Thomas and Melissa Adams
Subbash Domir
Dan and Cathy Dorocak
Frank and Janet Hargrove
Hargrove Construction, Inc.
Ted Kohler
Nancy Mackiewicz
R.E. Landscape Services, Inc.
Monique Sanders
Susan Schneider
John and Margaret Stover
United Way of King County
Randolph and Marie Walker
Janice Weiner
Lois Young/NE PA Industrial Resource Center


Lynne Chafetz
Beverly Christensen
Kenneth D'Orazio
Geri and Bernard Dubrow
Walter and Maureen Hallagan
Maureen Hogan and Andrew Riebs
Maurice and Patricia Knowlton
Lori Malloy
Peter Moore
James and Susan Pendelton
Kelly Rousseau Memorial:
  Steven and Michele Greiner
  Lake Superior State University
  John and Nancy Larsen
  Lynne Rousseau
Robert and Linda Smith
Tim and Nancy Spradling
Richard and June Vance


Anchor Environmental, L.L.C.
Richard and Mary Ellen Davison
C. Thomas Gnewuch
Barry and Mary Kercher
William and Emmy Lawrence
Robert and Linda Malecky
Roman Manufacturing, Inc.
Pat Starr


David Nord Memorial:
  Brian Higa and Associates Optometrists
  Dan and Jill Eastburg
  Raymond and Linda High
 Jerry and Paulette Johnson
  Darrell and June Nord 
  Phyllis Nord, Nokomis Square Co-op
  Murray and Janice Nord
  Richard and Rose Nord
  Lois Schenfeld
  Tuller Family Trust
  Brenda Visser


Michael and Debbie Capen
Foundation for the Carolinas
Myk and Paula Lazzeri
Gilbert Ramsteck Memorial:
  Brett and Joan Accardo
  Stuart Christian
  Barry Cohen
  Vincent and Elaine Colotti
  Virginia Di Pasca
  Richard and Irene Farrell
  Martha Fitzgerald
  Frank and Eleanore Foti
  Penny Hallenback
  John and Jane Ingrilli
  Kathy Mezrano
  Carol and William Mitchell
  Michael and Susan Morris
  Mary Jean Murphy
  Margaret Quist
  Donald Ramsteck
  Donald and Susan Ramsteck
  Edward and Kathleen Ramsteck
  Justin and Mary Ramsteck
  Helen Reichenbach
  Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Reid
  Margaret Riefenstahl
  Anthony and Mary Anne Russo
  Joseph and Doris Schlinkert
  Regina Schlossberg
  Lorraine Schneider
  Joan and Stephen Smaldone
  Frederick and Jean Smith
  Richard and Veronica Tepe
  Kathy and Thomas Wiszowaty
The New York Community Trust
Catherine West Memorial:
  Elizabeth Adler
  Steve and Beth Asher
  Mary Ball
  Dorothy Ball
  Barbara Bennett
  First Baptist Academy H.S. PTF
  Richard and Janice Hollander
  Mr. & Mrs. Barron Lange
  Lawrence and Michele Leach
  John Lloyd
  Dr. Mary McGarry
  Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGarry
  Mullin and Mullin Insurance, Inc.
  Hamlet and Diana Newsom
  Ralph and Jean Reynolds
  Risk and Insurance Management
  Society, Inc.
  Delores Rudis
  Christine Sigman
  Paul and Jane Smaldone
  Marilyn Steen
  Synergy-Fitzhugh Insurance
Frank and Florence Zuvich


Dick and Deanne Gilmur


Blandford Hopathon Fundraiser;
Steve & Colleen Blandford   
Kenneth and Julie Jones
Reading for Rachel Fundraiser


Claddagh Foundation, Inc.; Jack and
Joanne Callahan


Sandy and Pauline Siegel


Children's Workshop Donations


Kevin's Cause Fundraiser; Tom and Jeanne Hamilton

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