Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 43
Raising Money for the TMA with Friendship Bracelets
Kate Harris

Hello.  My name is Kate Harris. I am ten years old and I live in England. My brother, William, got Transverse Myelitis when he was six years old; he is now 12.  During the summer term I decided that I wanted to raise money for The Transverse Myelitis Association to help William and others like him.  I made 70 friendship bracelets and my friends also made some, so in total we had 120.  We sold them one lunchtime at school together with candles that I made out of beeswax and 90 cakes.  If you don’t already know, friendship bracelets are made from different coloured threads woven/plaited together to make brightly coloured bracelets that you give to your friends.  We made £150 altogether.  We really enjoyed making all the things for the sale and organising it all ourselves.

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