Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 44
Reading For Rachel: How You Can Help
Cathy Dorocak
Cathy[AT SIGN]

When Rachel first got sick on October 9, 1999, we were in such a state of shock and sadness for our baby girl.  She was only 6 1/2 months old when TM struck, right when she was just beginning to become mobile.  Life had been so good, and overnight all that changed.  Three years ago, as a 1st birthday present for their sister, our sons, Matthew and Kevin (ages 6 and 4 at the time of Rachel's illness), thought of “Reading for Rachel", where all funds collected would go towards research to find a cure for TM.  This continues to be our gift of hope to her since this has become our annual fund-raising event for The Transverse Myelitis Association.

We won't stop until we have a cure - it is the least we can do for our dear, sweet Rachel as she struggles daily with the effects of TM.

The Reading for Rachel program works like this.  Children are challenged to read as many books as they can during a certain time period (week, weekend, month, etc.)  They then get sponsors who pledge and pay a certain amount of money for each book they read during this period.  When they are done, they collect the tax-deductible contributions from their sponsors and send it directly to The Transverse Myelitis Association, referencing "Reading for Rachel.”  It is that easy and it is such a wonderful learning experience in so many ways!

All of the material to learn about and participate in the Reading for Rachel program is located on our website: or via a link from the TMA website at  It includes a letter from Matthew and Kevin that talks about Transverse Myelitis and how it affected Rachel from the beginning to where she is today.  In addition, children will be able to print off pledge and sponsor forms, reminder notices/receipts describing the tax-exempt status of contributions, and bookmarks to help them keep track of the books they read.  They will also see pictures of Matthew, Kevin and Rachel and they can even watch a short video clip of Rachel in action!  

Here's how you can help!  We would like to get as many children affected by TM in some way to get involved.  They can have TM or they can be the child, grandchild, sibling, niece, nephew, neighbor or friend, etc. of someone who has TM.  You get the picture … we just need your help in spreading the word about this very worthwhile fund-raising activity.  It is amazing how many people you can reach if you simply send an e-mail to everyone in your address book or include a short note in your holiday cards, for example. 

In addition, we would like as many school systems to get involved in the Reading for Rachel Program.  It is particularly effective if students can relate to this illness because TM affects a family in their school.  For example, last year, Reading for Rachel was promoted at Worthington Estates Elementary School in Worthington, OH. Pauline Siegel (who has TM) teaches 2nd grade at this school.  It was enormously successful because the children learned about the medical condition that affects one of their teachers at school and this was the connection to Rachel.  All of the students watched the video of Rachel and Pauline was able to share her story as well.  Because of the success of the program at Pauline's home school, it will be introduced to all of the elementary schools in the Worthington school district this year!!  So please take the time to talk with teachers, school administrators and PTA's regarding this activity.  Many school systems have "Right to Read" weeks and this is a good activity to tie into the events of that week.

In our particular school system, we have designated March as "Reading for Rachel month" since it is Rachel's birth month.  Please note, however, that contributions for Reading for Rachel are gladly accepted throughout the year.  In addition, Reading for Rachel contributions have come from a number of other sources and I would like to share a few of those with you.  The possibilities are endless, but the end result is the same; money to fund TM research.

  • Monetary contributions (not tied directly to any reading activity) have been received from individuals and organizations, including PTA units
  • Contributions from pre-schools were made for every book that was read to students during a particular time period.  
  • Individuals have sponsored our own children's reading efforts from around the world.  This year, we will read a total of 93 books - (one book for Matthew, Kevin and Rachel for each of the 31 days in March).  If you would like to sponsor our children, please contact me at the e-mail address above.
  • School Book Fairs - A percentage of the profits have been donated to "Reading for Rachel".
  • Heart Grams - During Valentine's week for the past two years, children at one school purchased paper hearts for 25 cents each.  They wrote messages on them and they were delivered to students/teachers throughout the school.
  • Penny War - This was done during "Disabilities Awareness Week" and was a very fun activity.  Each grade level had a container in the lunchroom.  Students brought in as many pennies as they could and they put these into their own grade level's container.  Students brought in silver coins and they put these into the other grade level's containers since the value of the silver coins was subtracted from the value of the pennies.  They loved sabotaging each other and the grade wllith the highest net penny value won!  They won a pizza party, but the actual value of all the silver coins, in addition to all the pennies, more than made up for that!
  • Sales of anything!! - Last year, Rachel's Grandpa made birdhouses, sold them, and all of the contributions were sent to Reading for Rachel!
  • Memorial Contributions - contributions to Reading for Rachel have even come from people in memory of someone who recently passed away.

Thank you in advance for helping us promote Reading for Rachel in whatever way you can.  Please contact me if you have any questions or need help in any way.  Remember, together - we CAN and WILL make a difference!

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