Transverse Myelitis Association
Volume 5 Issue 1
December 2002

Page 49

The TMA Logo Store    
Jim Lubin and Sandy Siegel

How many of you woke up this morning with the following goals:
I want to make a fashion statement;
I want to foster awareness of Transverse Myelitis and the TMA; and
I want to raise money for the TMA.

What a coincidence; we have the same goals.  And, we have great news for you.  We have established a web-based logo store through Cafepress.

You can purchase numerous items with the TMA logo, as well as the beautiful Reading for Rachel and Children’s Workshop logos designed by the brilliant and talented graphic artist, Nik Niland.  We have purchased many t-shirts, coffee mugs, and sweat shirts, and the quality of the items is exceptional.  There are new items offered all of the time, some of which are seasonal, so you need to check back at the store often.  There are also occasional sales, sometimes including free shipping.  The logo store items would make wonderful Christmas and Hanukah presents.  No family member should be without an ample supply of TMA logo boxer shorts.     

Some of the clothing items also come in children’s sizes.  During the Children’s and Family Workshop in Columbus, many of the families had on their Children’s Workshop t-shirts; it was very cool seeing all of the kids in their logo shirts!  The Ohio TM Support Group has designed a logo for their group; there are Cafepress items being sold with this logo.  If your state or country support group designs a logo, you can send it to us, and we will consider the sale of logo items from your page of the support group site as we have for the Ohio group.  The TMA makes a small percentage on the sale of the logo store items.

Be the fashion plate you have always dreamed about. Help to foster TM and TMA awareness among your friends and neighbors. Help us fund the important work of The Transverse Myelitis Association.

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